Back in Motion

Back-in-motion offers chiropractic treatment in the heart of Lewes. Gitte and Derek are passionate about helping those who come to their welcoming and friendly clinic.

Blurred figure walking across Back in Motion Chiropractic clinic reception
Chiropractic treatment on lower back

Derek Allen BSc (Chiropractic), DC, MRCC, LRCC (Sport)

When I was at school I was always interested in sports, being a rugby player and runner, and I knew that I always wanted to work in healthcare. I went to observe a chiropractor when I was a teenager and was fascinated by what I saw, and how the treatment people received had helped them. At the time of my visit, I had a shoulder injury which I had treated on my visits to the clinic. This allowed me to get back to playing rugby and set me off on my career as a chiropractor.

Gitte Steffensen Back in Motion

Gitte Steffensen BSc (Chiropractic), DC, MRCC

I first discovered chiropractic when I was 16 years old and had treatment for headaches. My parents also had regular treatment for low back pain.

I was always active in sports and generally interested in health, so chiropractic appealed to me as a profession. I was also attracted by the independent way of working, and coming into contact with many different people, through my work.

We are both registered with the General Chiropractic Council, the British Chiropractic Association, and the Royal College of Chiropractors. We both graduated from the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic, Gitte in 1996 and Derek in 1993.