Back in Motion

Back-in-motion offers chiropractic treatment in the heart of Lewes. Gitte and Derek are passionate about helping those who come to their welcoming and friendly clinic.

Back in Motion Chiropractic Coronavirus Information

If you would like to have an appointment, please call us on 01273 473473 or email us at

Before You Come to See us, Please Read Below:

We continue to have procedures in place because of Covid-19. This is for everyone’s safety, and we would be grateful for your understanding and cooperation.

If you have Coronavirus symptoms, or have recently tested positive (within the last 5 days), we encourage you not to book an appointment to see us until you are recovered and have tested negative for Coronavirus. We have to consider the safety of all our patients, staff and practitioners in our clinic and try to minimise the risk of infection as much as we are able. Current government guidance is that those testing positive should stay at home and avoid contact with other people.

Thank you for reading this. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Best wishes

Gitte Steffensen & Derek Allen